On Monday, March 11th at 3:00 pm, join the Laguna Beach County Water District, The Laguna Beach Garden Club, and The Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony celebrating the Unveiling of the New Bee Inspired mural titled "The Good of The Hive®".
“The Laguna Beach County Water District and The Laguna Beach Garden Club recently hosted a program at the Rivian South Coast Theater where the artist, Matt Willey, presented his message igniting radical curiosity and active engagement around planetary health issues, through art, bees, and storytelling. "The mural is a beautiful metaphor for seeing the connectedness of all things and reminding us that we need to think collectively, like the bees, as we work toward solutions", said Christopher Regan, Assistant General Manager of the Laguna Beach County Water District. "The goal for the Laguna Beach Garden Club’s ‘Love Letter to Laguna Beach’ is to enlighten the community on the plight of pollinators in a positive and hope-filled way that sparks delight” said Jane Leary, President of the Laguna Beach Garden Club.
“The Laguna Beach Community is so lucky to have been selected to host this beautiful work of art,” said Erin Slattery CEO of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce. To Learn more about Bees and the artist's mission you can check out and https://www.thegoodofthehive.com/about” or https://www.lagunabeachgardenclub.org
To add to the celebration members of LagunaTunes will be singing two songs penned by Laguna Beach Garden Club’s members. The winning song will be determined by applause.
For those in attendance, Laguna Beach County Water District will be offering a bee themed reusable grocery bag to the first 100 attendees. Laguna Beach Garden Club members will be present to answer any question regarding the club and the mural.
The mural unveiling is located at the Laguna Beach County Water District, at 306 Third Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651.
Monday Mar 11, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT